Page 56 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 56

personal; it"s part of the natural selection process. You wouldn"t walk into a car showroom and buy the first car you saw. Instead, you"d start your new car !project” with a general idea of what you want, then try out a few models until you found one that felt right. Most of the ones you"d reject would be perfectly fine automobiles for someone else —just not you. You go through the same process of selection when buying a new outfit, a home and just about anything else of importance to your life.
8. No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road: turn back
Life is like a highway with twists and turns. Sometimes, we find ourselves speeding down a road that we thought was going to take us straight to success, but it turns out we've taken a wrong exit. It happens to the best of us. No matter how far you've gone down that wrong road, it's never too late to do a U-turn and get back on track.
Turning back might not be easy but it’s worth it. It takes guts, it takes courage. You got to admit that you made a wrong turn, that you veered off course. We all make mistakes. We all take wrong turns at some point. But the key is to recognize it, to own up to it, and to take action. Don't let pride or fear hold you back. Turn back and get yourself back on the right path.
Nelson Almeida had a great idea for a travel app and worked really hard to make it happen. Unfortunately

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