Page 54 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 54

At first, he was just happy to participate and finish the races, but as he continued to train and improve, he began to see that he was actually quite competitive.
As his confidence grew, Sam started to see changes in other areas of his life as well. He became more assertive at work, and his colleagues took notice of his newfound drive and determination. He started to pursue his passions more aggressively, and before long, he"d landed a promotion at work and was making the most of his newfound competitive edge.
Looking back, Sam couldn't believe how much his life had changed since he discovered his love for running. He was grateful for the sense of purpose and drive that it had given him.
In order to start living a more confident life, it is important to start by believing in yourself. This may seem like an impossible task, but there are many things that you can do to boost your self-confidence.
• Make a change: one of the best ways to start cultivating confidence is to make a change in your life like Sam did.
• Set goals: having specific goals to strive for will help you to feel more confident and motivated.
• Take risks: confidence comes from taking risks and pushing yourself over the edge of your comfort zone. You’ll be surprised at what you're capable of achieving.

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