Page 52 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 52

flexibility to change what you do until you finally get what you want.
The formula for effective communication has three distinct parts:
1. Know what you want in the positive. For example, !I need a two-bedroom apartment now,” as opposed to, !I don"t want to be homeless.” I fill my imagination with what that apartment will look, sound, feel, smell and taste like with me and my family in it.
2. Find out what you"re getting. Use your curiosity to assess whether what you"re doing to achieve your goal is getting the right response. For example, you may discover that following your passion for designing kitchens without any experience isn"t a great way to go.
3. Change what you do until you get what you want. Be flexible. You need money. Plant that seed in your imagination. Design a plan and follow through with it: !I have to make money fast. The fastest way to make money is to build something and sell it. Other ways are to teach a skill that you've mastered to others, drive a cab, go through your things and sell something. Then do it and get more feedback. Redesign your plan if necessary, and do it again, evaluating whether it works better. Repeat the cycle—redesign it – do it – get feedback—until you get what you want. You can apply this cycle to any area of your life that you want to improve—finance, romance, sports, career, you name it.

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