Page 51 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 51

And the cop. Couldn"t he see my stupid car could never go as fast as he said?”
Is this someone who believes she has control over her life or has she learned to be helpless? Blaming others is just a style, a habit of speaking, but it"s enough to cause the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, into your system and make your life a misery. And it"s all in your imagination.
There"s no mystery about how to get out of the blame game. Listen out for negative, helpless and blaming language. Let it trigger an awareness in yourself to monitor your own thoughts and words until you can remove blame and excuses from your thinking.
6. Try a Little KFC
Everyone seems to have a different sense of the word !communication,” but the definitions usually go something like this: !It"s an exchange of information between two or more people”, !It"s getting your message across”, !It"s being understood.”
In the early days of Neuro Linguistic Programming, its founders created an effective definition: !The meaning of communication is the response it gets.” This is simple, and brilliant because it means that it"s 100% up to you whether or not your own communication succeeds. After all, you are the one with a message to deliver or a goal to achieve, and you are the one with the responsibility to make it happen. What"s more, if it doesn"t work, you are the one with the

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