Page 50 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 50

!I"ve got to make my bed.” Obligation. No choice.
!I get to make my bed.” I have a bed to sleep in and I
love getting into a freshly made bed. That"s awesome.
!I"ve got to see the doctor.” Obligation. No choice.
!I get to see the doctor.” I"m so blessed. Do you have any idea how many people don"t have a doctor?
5. Turn Off the Blame Game
One of the most insidious language patterns you"ll need to eliminate, starting right now, is the blame game. Research shows that people who blame others lose status, earn less, and perform worse than those who take responsibility. Even worse, blame robs you of opportunities to grow.
Blaming others is no big surprise. Listen to your friends and neighbors and the media. We are surrounded by helpless language. !The politicians are to blame.” “Blame it on the unions.” “The doctor says it"s impossible.” “Life"s too short.” “It"s Monday!” “Obesity is a disease.” “He"s shy.” “It is what it is.” “It"s Friday—what do you expect?” "My ex is a complete jerk!"
I overheard this conversation recently. !My boyfriend"s angry with me. He blamed me for getting a speeding ticket, but it wasn"t my fault, it was my boss"s fault for making me work late. And the cashier at the supermarket too. If she"d been organized I"d have been out of there in good time.

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