Page 53 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 53

• Know what you want.
• Find out what you"re getting.
• Change what you do until you get what you want.
This is terrifically easy to remember because a certain Colonel had the good sense to open a chain of restaurants using the abbreviation KFC for a name. Every time we see one of his signs, we can use it as a reminder to ask ourselves how well the development of our communication skills is going.
7. Cultivate Confidence
Sam Searl had always struggled with self-confidence and a sense of purpose. He had always been a hard worker, but somehow, he never seemed to get ahead in life. He felt stuck in his mundane office job, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to find his place in the world.
One day, Sam stumbled upon a new hobby—running. At first, he was hesitant to try it. He"d never been much of an athlete, and the thought of running long distances seemed daunting. But something about the freedom and solitude of running spoke to him, and he decided to give it a try.
To Sam"s surprise, he was a natural runner. He found he enjoyed the feeling of pushing his body to the limit, and he began to see progress in his endurance and speed. As he continued to train, he entered local races and competitions.

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