Page 60 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 60

Marcus, a man in his mid-forties, was sitting in the second row. I asked him if he thought he could go out into the Piazza San Marco and introduce himself to fifty strangers in ten minutes.
!Not a chance,” Marcus laughed. !Never.” !What if I offered you a hundred bucks?” !Not a chance. Not for five hundred.”
!A thousand?”
!It"s not going to happen.”
!Do you have a partner?” I asked. He nodded. !And
children?” !Yes.”
!Heaven forbid,” I said, !but if someone kidnapped your wife and kids and threatened to harm them unless you introduced yourself to fifty new people in ten minutes could you do it now?”
!Of course,” Marcus said. !That"s completely different.
Risk is relative. Your imagination can conjure up images of things that scare you, or it can be used to inspire you to acts of great courage. The choice is yours. If you let your imagination run wild, it can lead you down some dark paths. You might start to believe that the monsters under your bed are real, or that the bogeyman is lurking around every corner. These fears can become so overwhelming that they paralyze you with fear. But if you learn to control your imagination, you can use it to your advantage. You can use it

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