Page 79 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 79

I came to understand that to truly pursue my passion, I needed to take control of my own destiny. I couldn't let fate or other people's expectations dictate my path. It was time to gather the courage to embark on a journey of self- discovery, exploring my dreams, fears, and to go where the flow took me.
At that moment, I discovered that the answers didn't lie in the noise of external voices but in the whispers of my own heart. Uncertainty slowly transformed into possibilities as I delved into my passions and curiosities.
“I have to admit,” I said, “I don't know where exactly I'm headed, but I'm determined to pursue my passion and find my thing.”
There was an eruption in the far corner. An English woman was swearing at the top of her voice at a much younger man. They were both hopelessly drunk. She tossed a pink fifty escudo note onto the table and pushed him out into the sunshine.
"Why do people do that?" I asked Thomas.
“Do what?"
"Why would anyone put up with a woman like that?" I asked.
"A woman like what?'
"Angry. Vulgar."
"She's not angry—she's afraid."

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