Page 80 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 80

“Afraid? How do you know that?"
"Because people don't get angry for no reason. Procrastination, hate, anger, violence, frustration and guilt are all fear-based emotions. Fear and love are tied together. We only feel fear when we risk losing something we love. And anyway fear isn’t an emotion, it’s a set of responses. Maybe she behaves that way because she's afraid of losing him to a younger woman. Maybe she's afraid her husband will find out she's on holiday with her toy-boy. I don't know. And you don't know.”
Thomas sounded pretty fired-up.
“Nicko, learn all you can about the world and its people if you want to live and succeed in it. Understanding the world makes life richer and infinitely more interesting.”
We swigged at the wine.
“You have made my life more interesting,” I said. “Definitely.”
“If you want to “find your thing’ as you call it, on the outside world, you must first find it in your inside world. Start by making curiosity, empathy and imagination part of your every waking moment. Learn from your mistakes, focus on what you love, talk to strangers and listen to their stories and never stop learning and improving. Nicko, it will open doors of opportunity and present you with solutions beyond your wildest dreams.”

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