Page 81 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 81

The owner replaced our empty carafe with another full one. A cheer erupted from the locals crowded into the other room to watch Benfica, Portugal’s top soccer team at the time play Juventus of Italy in the semi-finals of the European Cup. This was a very big deal. The whole country was on edge.
"These people will feel joy if Benfica wins the soccer game and grief if they lose,” he said.
He talked of the two emotions that rule us all: love and fear, each manifesting in our bodies as either joy or grief. And how all other emotions exist somewhere between the two.
“Okay,” I drawled.
“So what do you suppose is the cause of all fear?” he asked.
“The unknown?”
“No, Nicko, that is a fear. Go deeper, get underneath it.”
“Embarrassment?” “That’s another fear.” “Okay, I give up.”
“Judgment. You can't be afraid of something unless you judge it. 'I have no talent, people won't like me; I look like a fool, I'm wasting my time.' People say these things to themselves all the time then wonder what went wrong. You cannot stop your thoughts and beliefs from becoming real

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