Page 83 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 83

see this single twinkling light that says ‘right here, this is where you belong. This is where you’ll be happiest. C’mon down.’ Wouldn’t that be great?”
“Seen from way out in space Nicko, this Earth of ours looks like a little blue marble rolling around under that sun there.” he said. “A tiny, isolated, vulnerable ball of life, hanging in the vast expanse of space, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. In reality this planet is a single, self-regulating organism where every living thing flows together to regulate an optimum balance for harmony and peace. Sounds crazy but it’s true.”
“Where do you get this stuff?” I asked.
A roar erupted from the surrounding houses and cafes and I sat up. “Ha.” Thomas clapped his hands. “The roar of joy. Benfica must have scored.” Car horns honked wildly and cheers came out of open windows. Then it went quiet again.
“Where?” Thomas’ response was mysterious and a long time coming. “Halfway up a mountain-side in China.” Then with a raspy whisper he said, “Best to keep that to yourself.”
“I should be taking notes.” I said, wishing I could engrave this stuff inside my head.
“That sun Nicko, this ocean, this land, the fish, the wine, this village, you, me, Benfica and all the people, we are

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