Page 85 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 85

popular tunes. The charcoal barbecues were loaded, splayed chicken, pork febras and fillets of beef sizzling away under a mouth watering haze. Donna Cacilda, her fourteen year old daughter Francisca and her husband Antonio were waving at me as I staggered over from the beach. “Over here. Come.” Antonio shoved a glass of aguardente into my hand. “I just had this crazy idea,” I said. “I wish I could take a rocket into space right now and look down at the earth and see this single twinkling light that says, ‘right here, this is where you belong. This is where you’ll be happiest. C’mon down.’ Wouldn’t that be great?”
Seen from way out in space, this Earth of ours looks like a little blue marble rolling around under the sun. A tiny, isolated, vulnerable ball of life, hanging in the vast expanse of space, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. In reality, this planet is a single, self-regulating organism where every living thing flows together to regulate an optimum balance for harmony and peace. Sounds crazy, but it’s true.
The sun, the ocean, the land, the fish, the wine, you, me and all the people; we are one big self-correcting feedback- loop balancing our flow for the beauty, nourishment and flourishment of life. It’s what the Ancients called a FlowPath; it’s unique in every person. We are born inside this flow, and we eventually return to it. In between, time and circumstance affect each of us differently. Inside the

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