Page 84 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 84

one big self-correcting feedback-loop balancing our flow for the beauty, nourishment and flourishment of life. We are born inside this flow and we eventually return to it. In between, time and circumstance affect each of us differently. Inside the flow one thing always leads to another and everyday miracles appear out-of-the-blue. It’s what the Messengers called a FlowPath; it is as unique as the very soul that harbors it. Inside your FlowPath you will always be supplied with what you need, that’s its job. But it’s your job to supply yourself with what you want. The secret of secrets is to convert what you want into what you need.
Reclining with great flair he announced, “I proclaim with the passion of thespians, "Blessed are the messengers, for within them lies the weight of knowledge and the power to illuminate the darkest corners of the human psyche. In a world that hungers for truth, their voices resonate across time, whispering hope and guiding those who dare to listen."
That was the last thing I remember. When I woke up I had a brutal headache and I was on my own once more. But wait, Benfica must have won. Red and white festive lights— Benfica’s colors—were draped along the shoreline and in the nearby trees, shining brightly against the blanket of darkness. Locals, tourists, children and adults celebrated to

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