Page 82 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 82

in your experience. Have you never noticed that what you think about most often tends to manifest in your life? It's not just a coincidence—your thoughts, beliefs and intentions are powerful forces of creation! They shape your world.” He glanced around the room before looking me right in the eyes.
“Stop judging yourself and your circumstances. You don’t have to ‘limit yourself to another job;’ you are limitless. You are not the person you see in the mirror: that is your body. You are more than that. You are infinite. Judge nothing for a week, Nicko, and see where it takes you. Okay?”
“Okay.” I felt like the whole front of my body was a set of double doors and they were opening up to let fresh air into my soul. I could hardly hear him anymore. I don't know if it was the wine or all the cheering at the TV.
"Up," Thomas said.
I followed him down the main street towards the beach. We sat on a bench and stared at the sea. I could sense a lingering tension in the air. There was no-one around; they were all watching the soccer. The sun was quickly setting, casting glimmering hues across shimmery lights strung between each swaying tree nearby. Tables had already been setup around town in anticipation of a victorious ending to the night.
“I just had this crazy idea,” I said. “I wish I could take a rocket into space right now and look down at the earth and

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