Page 100 - Ordinance Chapter 17
P. 100

(a) Towers, masts, poles or other supporting buildings or structures fifty (50) feet or
                  more in height that are used to elevate an antenna or which act as an antenna, and
                  which are intended for transmitting or receiving radio frequency waves. Height
                  shall be measured as the vertical distance between the highest point of the antenna
                  or tower, whichever is higher, and the ground directly below this point. ("tower
                  facility" or "tower")

         (b) Accessory uses such as manned or unmanned equipment or buildings typically at
                  the base of the tower.

(2) Amateur and citizen band towers and antennas where the "tower facility," as defined in
         Section 17.71(1)(a) is fifty (50) feet or more in height are exempt from the provisions of
         this article except for the following:

         (a) The installation or construction of such a tower shall require site plan review and
                  approval by the Plan Commission in accordance with the standards and
                  considerations set forth in Section 17.16(4). The Plan Commission may request a
                  public hearing following site review if it is determined that such a hearing is in
                  the public interest.

         (b) Such "tower" shall be considered an accessory structure and permitted in the side
                  yard or rear yard only. A minimum ten-foot side yard and rear yard setback shall
                  be maintained.


Any addition or change to an existing tower facility shall be in compliance with requirements for
tower appearances and landscaping as set forth in this article. Existing tower facilities shall be
exempt from the requirements concerning site size, setbacks and parking.


No installation or construction of a tower facility, or change in an existing tower facility, is
permitted, except as provided in Section 17.81 and Section 17.82, without conditional use
approval or amendment under Section 17.29 and a zoning permit. The types of changes that
would require conditional use approval include, but are not limited to, such things as an increase
in the number of towers at a site, an increase in a tower's height, a change in the type or style of
tower (i.e., guyed vs. self-supporting or lattice vs. monopole), a change in the type or location of
any guy wires, a change in the location of a tower, or a proposed change in the size of the tower
site. Changes such as an alteration to the size of an existing service building or installation under
Section 17.81 and Section 17.82 may be dealt with through the site plan review process under
Section 17.71(2)(a) and a zoning permit.

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