Page 99 - Ordinance Chapter 17
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building permits, or permits of any other kind be issued until all such additional fees are
paid to the village.


Any building or structure hereafter erected, moved or structurally altered or any use
hereafter established in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed
an unlawful building, structure or use. The Zoning Administrator shall promptly report
all such violations to the Village Attorney who shall take appropriate steps, which may
include bringing an action to immediately adjoin such unlawful building, structure or use,
to address the unlawful erection, moving or structural alteration of such building or the
establishment of such use or to cause such building, structure or use to be vacated or

17.41 PENALTY.

Any person who violates, disobeys, neglects, omits or refuses to comply with or who
resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter may also be subject to the
penalty provided in Section 25.04 of this Municipal Code. Each day that a violation
continues to exist shall constitute a separate offense.

17.42 - 17.69 RESERVED.

                                             TOWER FACILITIES


17.70 INTENT.

To the maximum extent not incompatible with Wis. Stat. ยง 66.0404, as may be amended from
time to time, or other preempting law or regulation, it is intended that conditional use permits
shall be issued under this section to accommodate the expansion of wireless communication
technology while minimizing the number of towers and the visual/aesthetic/land use impacts of
those towers.


(1) The following facilities are subject to the regulations in Sections 17.70 - 17.89 and site
         standards in Sections 17.90 - 17.99:

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