Page 24 - Ordinance Chapter 17
P. 24

paragraph is to finally establish a setback line which is not less than the
                minimum setback determined to be necessary for the preservation of the
                public safety, health, welfare and convenience.

(3) Subject to the provisions of subs. (1) and (2) above, but without regard to setback
        restrictions otherwise provided in this chapter, the following setbacks shall apply:
        (Cr. #089-04) (See also, with respect to subdivisions abutting on state trunk
        highways or connecting highways, Wis. Admin. Code TRANS 233)

        (a) Durand Ave. Every building located on property accessing Durand Ave.
                shall be setback a minimum of 50’ from the Durand Ave. right-of-way line
                and, unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission not more than 75’
                from the Durand Ave. right-of-way line. Every building located on
                property located on Durand Ave., but not accessing Durand Ave., shall be
                setback from the Durand Ave right-of-way line such distance as is
                determined by the Plan Commission to be adequate for green space and the
                sidewalk, but in no event less than 15’ from the Durand Ave. right-of-way

        (b) Wisconsin St. Every building to be erected and constructed upon lands
                fronting on Wisconsin St. in the Village shall be so constructed that the
                front of the building shall be set back not less than 4’ from the line
                designated as the sidewalk line of Wisconsin St. provided, however, that on
                the east side of Wisconsin St. north of the north line of Park Court
                Subdivision as recorded, the setback shall be 75’ from the east right-of-way
                line of Wisconsin St. and further provided that on the west side of
                Wisconsin St. north of the north line of the S½ of the N½ of Section 21,
                T3N, R22E, the setback shall be 25’ from the west right-of-way line of
                Wisconsin St. No parking of vehicles shall be permitted within 25’ of the
                right-of-way line of Wisconsin St. in such 75’ and 25’ setbacks.

        (c) Washington Ave. Every building to be erected and constructed upon lands
                fronting on Washington Ave. in the Village shall be so constructed that the
                building shall be set back not less than 100’ from the right-of-way of
                Washington Ave. No parking of vehicles shall be permitted within 25’ of
                the right-of-way line of Washington Ave.

        (d) Through Lots. Buildings on through lots which extend from street to street
                may waive the requirements for a rear yard by furnishing an equivalent
                open space on the same lot in lieu of the required rear yard, provided that
                the setback requirements of both streets be complied with.

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