Page 22 - Ordinance Chapter 17
P. 22

(g) Accessory buildings shall not be nearer than 8 feet to any lot line, except
                that buildings on or with respect to lots existing prior to the adoption of
                Ordinance 2003-32 (i.e., October 7, 2003) shall not be nearer than 4 feet to
                any lot line. Where a private garage has an entrance facing an alley, the
                entrance shall not be located nearer than 10 feet from the nearest alley line.
                Accessory buildings must comply with all setback requirements.

        (h) The provisions of Section 17.18(2) relating to “home occupations” and
                home “professional office” shall apply to all accessory buildings in
                residential districts.

        (i) No accessory building is allowed without a principal structure existing on
                the same lot.

(2) Non-Residential Accessory Building Restrictions. The number and size of
        accessory buildings allowed in non-residential districts shall be as permitted by the
        Plan Commission.

17.11 Reserved.

17.12 Reserved.


(1) No part of a yard or open space provided about any building in compliance with
        the provisions of this chapter shall be included as a part of a yard or open space
        required for another building.

(2) Where boundary lines of different districts coincide there shall be a side yard in
        each district. The width of the side yard in the district with the smaller required
        minimum side yard shall be the average width of the required minimum side yards
        in the two abutting districts. Any rear yard abutting a district boundary line shall
        have a minimum width and depth in the less restricted district equal to the average
        of the required minimum widths and depths for such yard in the two districts
        which abut the district boundary line.

(3) Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky unobstructed, except for
        accessory buildings in a rear yard and the ordinary projections of sills, belt
        courses, cornices and ornamental features extending not more than 12”.

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