Page 59 - Ordinance Chapter 17
P. 59

(b) Special structures, such as elevator penthouses, gas tanks, radio and
                television receiving antennas, manufacturing equipment and necessary
                mechanical appurtenances, cooling towers, fire towers, substations and
                smoke stacks, are limited to a height not to exceed 30 feet higher than the
                highest point of the roof.

        (c) Essential services, utilities, water towers, electric power and
                communication transmission lines are limited to a height of 200 feet.

        (d) Communication structures, such as radio and television transmission,
                receiving, and relay towers and aerial towers shall not exceed 350 feet in
                height, provided, however that any such structure, aerial or tower, if located
                within three (3) miles of a boundary line of an airport and landing strips,
                may not exceed the height limitations of the district in which it is located
                without prior proof of written notification of the public hearing to the
                owner of the said airport or landing strip, and prior written approval from
                the F.A.A. and Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics, if applicable.
                Notwithstanding the above, tower facilities, as defined therein, shall be
                regulated as provided in Sections 17.70 through 17.99.

        (e) Where a lot abuts on 2 or more streets or alleys having different average
                established grades, the higher of such grades shall control for a distance of
                120’ measured perpendicular to the street line of the street with the higher
                average established grade.

        (f) Churches, schools, hospitals, and other public and quasi-public buildings
                may be erected to a height not exceeding 60 feet, provided the front, side
                and rear yards required in the district in which such building is to be located
                are each increased at least one foot for each foot of additional building
                height above the district’s maximum height limit.


MXD Mixed Use District; The mixed use district is intended to allow a diversity of land
uses in close proximity, within a limited area; to promote a balance of land uses; to
facilitate development proposals responsive to current and future market conditions;
facilitate integrated physical design; and to encourage interaction among activities
located within the district. There shall be only one building per parcel for setback

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