Page 66 - Ordinance Chapter 17
P. 66

120’ measured perpendicular to the street line of the street with the higher
                average established grade.


(1) INTENT AND PURPOSE. The intent of this section is to encourage and promote
        improved environmental design in the development of land by allowing greater
        freedom and flexibility than is possible under the precise and rigid requirements of
        conventional zoning districts through the use of objective standards establishing
        goals and criteria for judgment rather than the application of fixed formula. It will
        permit diversification in the uses permitted and variation in the relationship of
        uses, structures, open spaces and heights of structures in developments conceived
        and implemented as comprehensive and cohesive unified projects, while still
        requiring substantial compliance to the general plan of development and the
        underlying zoning classification or classifications. Its purpose is to encourage
        more imaginative site planning, to assist in achieving more rational and economic
        development with relationship to public services, to permit optimum development
        of land and to encourage and facilitate the conservation of open land and other
        natural features such as woods, streams, wetlands, etc., as integral components of
        a balanced ecology.

(2) MINIMUM PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA. To qualify for consideration
        as a planned development, the site shall be of sufficient size in relation to the
        proposed uses to justify the application of the special regulations as in this section
        and shall be under a single or unified ownership.

(3) PERMITTED USES. In a planned development, any use permitted by right in any
        residential, commercial, mixed use, or industrial/business park district in this
        chapter may be permitted, subject to the standards below. However, no use shall
        be permitted except in conformity with a specific and precise development plan
        approved under the procedural and regulatory provisions in this section and only
        uses permitted in the underlying zoning classification or classifications which is or
        are overlaid by the planned development district shall be permitted.


        (a) General. As a basis for determining the acceptability of a planned
                development proposal, specific consideration shall be given to whether or
                not it is consistent with the spirit and intent of the purposes of this section;
                has been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance in
                terms of planning, architecture and engineering; and produces significant
                benefits in terms of improved environmental design. However, the

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