Page 106 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 106

Chapter 8 – Public Works


(1) SPACE RESERVED. The space reserved for the laying of sidewalks on the public
      streets of the Village shall be 5’ on all streets in the Village.

(2) GRADING. Grading to a depth of 2” below the bottom of the sidewalk and/or
      driveway and parallel to the finished sidewalk surface shall be included in the price
      bid per square foot of sidewalk, unless otherwise specified. After the sidewalk is
      built to the proper grade, the parkway between the lot line and the curb line shall be
      properly graded with earth even with the surface of the sidewalk, the cost of grading
      to be included in the price bid per square foot of sidewalk, unless a separate bid
      price for grading is requested.

(3) DRIVEWAYS. Where driveways occur, the work shall consist of the necessary
      grading and the placing of 6” of concrete of the same mixture as sidewalks finished
      the same as sidewalks unless otherwise specified.

(4) PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the
      sidewalks will be constructed 5’ wide. On the surface of the subgrade shall be
      placed a layer of slag sand or small broken stone to a depth of 2” to properly level
      the subgrade, and when thoroughly compacted either by ramming or rolling, the
      surface of the subgrade will be uniformly 4” below the finished grade. Before
      placing the concrete, the subgrade is to be thoroughly dampened. Where the
      sidewalk is on fill, the fill shall extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the
      limits of the walk and shall then be sloped down to the ground line on a slope of 2
      horizontally to one vertically.


      (a) Setting Forms. The forms shall be well staked and set to the established lines,
            their upper edges conforming to the grade of the finished work.

      (b) Placing and Finishing. Concrete shall be placed in successive hatches for the
            entire width of the slab, then bull-floated until all voids are removed and free
            mortar appears on the surface, thoroughly spaded along the edges, and the final
            troweling shall be done with a steel trowel leaving a smooth, even surface.
            After the water sheen has disappeared, the surface shall be given a final finish
            by brushing at right angles to the edge of the walk with a broom or other
            approved means, by drawing the brush across the sidewalk. The strokes should
            be slightly overlapping, producing a uniform, slightly roughened surface with
            parallel brush marks. Dummy joints shall extend to ¼ the depth of the
            sidewalk, shall not be less than ⅛” and not more than ¼” in width.

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