Page 110 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 110

Chapter 8 – Public Works

            the property improved on the tax rolls in the same manner as delinquent water

      (g) Every person failing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this
            section, shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction, shall pay a
            forfeiture of not less than $1 nor more than $50, together with the costs of
            prosecution, and upon failure to pay such forfeiture and costs, be committed to
            the County Jail for a period not to exceed 10 days.

(13) CORNER LOTS. The entire cost of construction of all sidewalks on a corner lot
      shall be borne by the owner.

(14) SURVEYOR’S FEE. Prior to installing any sidewalk pursuant to sub. (12), the
      owner of the property shall agree to pay to the Village a surveyor’s fee equal to the
      cost to the Village for establishing the line and grade necessary for the proper
      installation of the sidewalk. The owner shall pay a deposit of $100 to be applied
      against such costs. In the case of a sidewalk to be installed pursuant to sub. (12)(a),
      the payment shall be made to the Building Inspector or such other person as the
      Village Board may designate, as a condition of obtaining a building permit. All
      other payments shall be made to the Village Clerk/Treasurer. After the sidewalk
      installation has been completed, the Village shall account to the owner for the cost
      of such surveyor’s fee. The Village shall remit to the owner any excess deposit or
      shall submit a statement to the owner for any deficiency over and above the deposit.
      Any such deficiency shall be payable within 30 days. In the event of nonpayment,
      the same shall be carried on to the next tax roll as a tax against the property of the
      owner fronting on the installed sidewalk.


(1) STANDARDS OF ASSESSMENTS. The following standards are adopted for the
      determination of special assessments against benefited properties for street
      improvements in the Village, including streets, curbs, gutters and driveway

      (a) Basis of Assessment. Properties shall be assessed on the basis of an average
            footage cost of the improvements.

      (b) Standard Lots. Properties will be assessed at 80% of the actual front foot cost
            of the project.

      (c) Corner Lots. The first 60’ on the long side of a corner lot shall be exempted.
            The remainder of the long side and the short side of a corner lot shall be
            assessed at 80% of the actual front foot cost of the project.

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