Page 297 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 297

Chapter 13 – Municipal Utilities

(5) Water Conservation

        (a) Declaration of emergency.

                The Racine mayor and, in his/her absence, the president of the Racine
                Waterworks Commission, is authorized, empowered and directed to declare
                the existence of an emergency relating to the Racine Water System's
                available water supply and to impose restrictions on the use of water during
                the emergency, following consultation with the Village President.

        (b) Imposition and notice of restrictions during emergency.

                Whenever the Racine mayor or, in his/her absence, the president of the
                Racine Waterworks Commission or designee, has declared the existence of
                an emergency and imposed reasonable restrictions on the use of water and
                reasonable notice of such emergency and restrictions has been to the
                general public, such restrictions shall be in full force and effect in the
                Village. The violation or failure to observe any restriction so imposed shall
                constitute a violation of this section 13.01.

        (c) Penalty for violation.

                Upon conviction, any person violating any restriction on the use of water
                imposed pursuant to section 13.01 shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less
                than $50 nor more than $500. Each day of violation constitutes a separate

(6) Penalties for nonpayment of invoice; notice.

        (a) Delinquent charges. All general service-urban, general service-suburban
                and private fire protection service customers shall pay invoices of the
                Racine Utility for such services within 15 days from the date of such
                invoices; all such customers who fail to pay such invoices within such 15-
                day period shall pay a penalty as authorized in the latest Wisconsin Public
                Service Commission ("PSC") rate case. The Racine Utility is authorized to
                shut off water service upon three days' written notice to the water customer
                for failure to pay the water invoice within 20 days from the date of the
                invoicing; the Racine Utility is further authorized to charge a service fee as
                authorized in the latest PSC rate case for turning on water; all as authorized
                by the orders of the PSC.

        (b) Notice of delinquency. The Racine Utility will give notice not later than
                October 15 of each year to the owner or occupant of each lot or parcel of

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