Page 299 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 299

Chapter 13 – Municipal Utilities

        (b) No person, except governmental officials or governmental employees in the
                course of their official duties or other persons with prior written
                authorization from the Village or from the Racine Water Utility, shall
                intentionally release water from or take water from fire hydrants in the

(9) Water Connection Charge

        (a) Definitions. For purposes of this division, the following phrases have the
                meaning stated:

                “Connection Charge” means a charge paid for each new service connection
                made to the Racine water system and for each building expansion or change
                of use resulting in additional water demand at an existing connection, to the
                extent of such additional demand, when such connections or changes occur
                within the Village.

                “Residential Equivalent Connection (REC)” means the measure of annual
                water usage expressed in terms of the amount of water used by a typical
                single-family residence, which shall initially be deemed to be 72,000
                gallons per year. The REC may be adjusted as appropriate in light of
                ongoing experience, but only in connection with an adjustment in the
                amount of the connection charge per REC.

        (b) Purpose. The purpose of the connection charge is to allow the Racine
                Utility to recover future growth cost of regional water facilities, including
                the difference between the future growth cost of future growth mains and
                the contract front-foot charges paid with respect to such mains.

        (c) Residential equivalent connection tables.

                The following tables shall be used to determine the RECs to be used from
                the Racine Water System:

                (1) Residential Users.

Users                                          REC

Condominium                                    1.00
Single – family home                           1.00
Duplex                                       1.5/unit
Multiple-family                              0.75/unit

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