Page 66 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 66

ROW 9                                                                                                                   ROW 9

        9.3                                                                                                                     9.5

        Erected by James Gorman                                                                                                 Erected by Owen Malown
        in memory of his father                                                                                                 in memory of his wife

        Thomas Gorman                                                                                                           Mary
        who departed this life                                                                                                  who departed this life

        March 11th 1786 aged 66 years                                                                                           11th of Dec 1834 aged 56 years
        Rest in Peace Amen

        ROW 9                                                                                                                   ROW 9

        9.4                                                                                                                     9.6
        This stone was erected by Garrett Byrne                                                                                 Erected by Mary Macmanas

        in memory of his wife Mary Byrne                                                                                        in memory of her husband
        who departed this life                                                                                                  James Macmanas

        Feb 11th 1782 aged 33 years                                                                                             who died      Dec 1789 aged 42 years
        also the body of her son                                                                                                his son Will died Feb 17th 1796 aged 9 years

        Charles Byrne                                                                                                           also Bryan McManas
        who departed this life                                                                                                  died April 20th 1803 aged 27 years

        February 1785 aged 16 yrs                                                                                               also his sister Mary
        also here lieth the body of her son                                                                                     died April 23rd aged 25 years

        John Byrne                                                                                                              May they rest in peace amen
        who departed this life

        June the      aged 23

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