Page 70 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 70

ROW 10                                                                                                                  ROW 10

        10.3                                                                                                                    10.5

        Here lieth the body of                                                                                                  Bryan Byrne
        Denis Byrne                                                                                                             died March 1738

        who departed this life                                                                                                  aged 57 years
        September 7th 1781 aged 67

        also his wife Doroty Byrne
        who departed this life March 9th 1776

        aged 33 years
        Lord have mercy on their souls Amen

        ROW 10                                                                                                                  ROW 10

        10.4                                                                                                                    10.6
        This stone was erected by                                                                                               This stone was erected by

        John Byrne Preban                                                                                                       Bryan Byrne
        in memory of his father                                                                                                 in memory of his father

        Patrick Byrne                                                                                                           James Byrne
        who departed this life                                                                                                  who departed this life

        13th December 1819 aged 70 years                                                                                        July the 29th 1781 aged 56 years
                                                                                                                                also his mother

                                                                                                                                Sarah Byrne
                                                                                                                                who departed this life

                                                                                                                                November the 22nd 1794 aged 70 years

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