Page 86 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 86
ROW 13 ROW 13
13.2 13.4
Here lieth the body of Erected by Patrick Davis
John Giffen South Circular Road Dublin
departed August the 24th 1788 in loving memory of his mother
aged 54 years Dora Davis
died 8th May 1874 aged 56 years
also his brother Richard
died 7th Feb 1884 aged 35 years
and his brother John
who died 8th Oct 1910 aged 50 years
ROW 13 ROW 13
13.3 13.5
Here lieth the body of Here lieth the body of
Denis Kernan Michael Dunn
who departed this life who departed this life
March the 3rd 1784 aged 70 years
also his wife Mary Dunn
who departed this life
Sept the 5th 1787 aged 70 years
84 85