Page 90 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 90

ROW 13                                                                                                                  ROW 14

        13.10                                                                                                                   14.2
        Erected by Margaret Whealin                                                                                             Erected by Richard? Wybrant
        in memory of her son                                                                                                    in memory of his father

        Charlie Whealin                                                                                                         Hugh Wybrant

        who departed this life                                                                                                  who departed this life
        January the 10th 1820 aged 30 years                                                                                     March 25th 1812 aged 64 years

        ROW 14                                                                                                                  ROW 14

        14.1                                                                                                                    14.3
        Erected by Michael Cullen                                                                                               Here lieth the body of

        in memory of                                                                                                            James Byrne
        James Giffen of Rosnastraw                                                                                              who departed this life

        who departed this life                                                                                                  May the 7th 1775 aged 54 years
        Feb 7th 1845 aged 44                                                                                                    also his daughter Bridget Byrne

        also his brother William                                                                                                Lord have mercy on their souls amen
        who departed this life

        Dec 15th 1852 aged 55
        also his father Terence

        who departed this life
        June 10th 1855 aged 80 years

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