Page 11 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 11
 PRONOUNS      3    Look, listen and say. TR: 0.10

 1  Look, listen, and say. TR: 0.9

                       me                        you                        him                        her

 The kite is mine.  The coat is yours.  The ball is his.  The bat is hers.

                        it                        us                        you                       them

 The grapes are ours.  The pencils are yours.  The game is theirs.
               4    Read and write.

 2  Look around your classroom. Ask and answer.
                    1. John! Jenny! I have some lunch for                                      .

                    2. Hey, Dad. Can I help                                  ?

 Whose pencil is this?
                    3. Thanks, Jenny. Where’s your brother? I can’t see                                       .
 It’s mine. Thank you!

                    4. Mom is over there. Maybe he’s with                                      .

                    5. Go get                                . It’s time to eat!

                    6. I love chicken sandwiches! Give                                     that big one!

                    7. Let’s play soccer. Do you want to come with                                       ?

                    8. OK, where’s the ball? Oh, I see                                   !

 8  Unit 0                                                                                                        9
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