Page 8 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 8

        NUMBERS                                                                                                                                Look, listen, and say. TR: 0.8

          1    Look, listen, and say. TR: 0.6

                  20                   21                   22                   23                  24
                                                                                                                                                  1st first
                twenty            twenty-one           twenty-two          twenty-three         twenty-four

                  25                   26                   27                   28                  29                                                   2nd second

             twenty-five           twenty-six         twenty-seven         twenty-eight         twenty-nine

                                                                                                                                                                     3rd third
                  30                   40                   50                   60                  70

                 thirty               forty                fifty                sixty              seventy                                                                    4th fourth

                  80                   90                  100                  101                 102
                                                                                                                                                                                         5th fifth
                 eighty              ninety            one hundred         one hundred          one hundred
                                                                              and one              and two


             two hundred    

                           1,000                 1,000,000                  1,000,000,000                                                 6th sixth               10th tenth               14th fourteenth          18th eighteenth

                        one thousand               one million                   one billion                                              7th seventh             11th eleventh            15th fifteenth           19th nineteenth

                                    +                   —                   =                                                             8th eighth              12th twelfth             16th sixteenth           20th twentieth

                                   plus               minus              equals                                                           9th ninth               13th thirteenth          17th seventeenth         21st twenty-first

          2    Work with a partner. Listen. Do the math
                                                                                        Twenty plus
               together. Listen to check your answers. TR: 0.7                          five equals . . .                                4     Ask and answer. Work with a partner.

                  24 + 2 =             80 + 9 =             300 – 50 =                                                                                                                                                      September 15th.

                  100 + 10 =           35 + 5 =             1,000 + 1,000 =                                                                      When’s your birthday?

                  60 + 20 =            40 – 30 =            99 – 9 =

         6  Unit 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13