Page 5 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 5

Scope and Sequence

 UNIT 0  1  2  3  4  5         6                    7                     8                     9

 Welcome to   A Helping Hand  My Place in the   On the Move!  Our Senses  Animal Habitats   What’s for Dinner?   Feeling Fit   Let’s Celebrate   My Weekend
 Our Class  p. 10  World   p. 42  p. 62  p. 78  p. 94  p. 114             p. 130                p. 146
 p. 4  p. 26

 Content AreA     Social and Instructional   Language Arts, Social Studies  Technology and Engineering,   Science, Language Arts, Health and   Language Arts, Science  Health and Physical Education,   Health and Physical Education  Social Studies, Music and the   Health and Physical Education,
 ConneCtIon  Language, Social Studies  Social Studies  Physical Education  Social Studies  Performing Arts  Language Arts

 •  talk about caring for others  •  talk about my town  •  talk about different kinds of   •  talk about the senses  •  name animal habitats  • name foods  • name parts of the body  •  talk about celebrations and   •  talk about free-time activities

 GoALS  •  describe daily routines  •  ask for help  transportation  •  talk about how things look, feel,   •  say what animals look like  •  talk about quantities  • talk about the past  festivals  •  talk about the past

  SC: 1  •  talk about how many times   • give directions  •  describe how people travel  taste, sound, and smell  •  talk about animal homes  •  talk about favorite meals  • talk about good and bad habits  • tell what happened in the past  •  talk about hobbies
 people do things  •  compare and contrast  •  talk about the past        • talk about cultural traditions

 carry, feed my pet, give my pet    bakery, drugstore, hospital,    airplane, bus, ferry, helicopter,    beautiful, delicious, dry, hard, loud,   cave, desert, forest, grasslands,   bag of rice, bottle of oil,    back, bend, bone, chest, elbow,   celebrate, costume, dance,   busy, eat out, exciting, go on
 a bath, goldfish, hamster, help,   movie theater, museum, park,   hot-air balloon, motorcycle,   quiet, rough, smooth, soft, sticky,   hive, ice, island, mud, nest,    bowl of sugar, box of cereal,   fingers, knee, muscle, shoulder,   decorations, dress up, feast,   a picnic, go to the beach, go to
 hold hands, hug, pick up, protect,    police station, post office,   sailboat, scooter, ship, subway,    terrible, ugly  rain forest, snow, underground,   bunch of bananas, can of soda,   stomach, stretch, toes  fireworks, lantern, mask,    the movies, interesting, lose,
 take care of my pet, teach  restaurant, supermarket,    taxi  Strategy: Antonyms  web, wetlands  glass of juice, jar of olives,    Strategy: Analogies  parade, party, remember  stay home, text my friends,
 toy store, train station      loaf of bread, piece of cake                                    visit a museum, win
 Strategy: Context Clues  Strategy: Compound Words  Strategy: Compound Words  Strategy: Using a Dictionary
 VoCAbuLAry 1 & 2  Strategy: Compound Words  bitter, salty, sour, spicy, sweet  Strategy: Context clues  eat fruit, eat junk food, eat   Strategy: Using a Dictionary
  SC: 2–4  come home, do my homework,   coast downhill, get off, get on,   Strategy: Sound combinations:   fur, horns, pouch, tongue, wings  vegetables, get exercise, get rest  balloons, birthday cake, candles,
 have a snack, make my bed,    library, mall, stadium, swimming   park, pedal uphill  Combinations with /s/  Strategy: Analogies  buy, compare, money, price,    invitation, present  go fishing, go hiking, go
 take a shower  pool, zoo      put away                                                        horseback riding, go ice skating,
 Strategy: Grouping
 Strategy: TK?  Strategy: Comparing sounds:   Strategy: Sound categories:                      go swimming
 /l/ and /r/                   Vowels
 before and after  can for requests and offers  too for agreeing  Sense verbs: was, were  Why …?  Because …  some and any  Past simple questions: too and   Past simple regular verbs  Past simple negative
 GrAmmAr 1 & 2  Adverbs of frequency: never,   Giving directions  but as a contrast  Infinitives of purpose  a few and a little  enough  Past simple irregular verbs    go + verb + -ing
  SC: 5–6  usually, sometimes, always
 Caring for Baby Elephants  Eye in the Sky  Hot-Air Balloons  Amazing Animal Senses  Amazing Rain Forests  What’s for Lunch  Take Care of Your Brain!  November Celebrations  Wow! Look at That!
 reADInG  Strategy: Identify sequence of   Strategy: Text features  Strategy: Sequence of events  Strategy: Compare and contrast  Strategy: Visualize  Strategy: Connect text to   Strategy: Identify main idea   Strategy: Scanning text for   Strategy: Identifying an
 events                        personal experience  and details           information          author’s purpose
 Write about taking care of   Write about a special place.  Write about transportation.  Write about summer.  Write about an animal you   Write about your favorite   Write about keeping fit.  Write about a celebration.  Write about a good weekend.
 people or animals.  Focus: Write about a special   Focus: Use but to show that two   Focus: Use and, but, and or to   like.  meal.  Focus: Use because to explain   Focus: Use details to describe a   Focus: Use words to show the
 WrItInG  Focus: Use time-order words;   place I know.  connected ideas are different.  connect sentences.  Focus: Use it’s and its correctly.  Focus: Write a topic sentence to  reasons.  celebration or festival.  order of events.
 write about taking care of    tell a main idea.
 VALue  Take care of others.  Explore your town.  Be safe on the street.  Use your senses.  Help protect animal habitats.  Eat good food.  Keep fit.  Celebrate your culture.  Try new things.
  SC: 8
 Make a collage.  Make My World circles.  Make a class bar graph about   Write a Five Senses poem.  Make a mobile of an animal   Organize a Taste-Test Day.  Make a Good Habits poster.  Make a parade mask.  Make a class scrapbook.
 ProjeCt  favorite types of transportation.  habitat.
 extenDeD reADInG    The Lion and the Mouse   pp. 58–59  The Gingerbread Man  pp. 110–111  The Paralympics   pp. 162–163
 reVIeW   Units 1–3   pp. 60–61  Units 4–6  pp. 112–113  Units 7–9        pp. 164–165
  ADDItIonAL VIDeo Song: Sc. 7; Viewing: Sc. 8; Story Time: Sc. 9; Wrap Up: Sc. 10

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