Page 114 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 114

Let’s              Talk                                                                                                           It could work.

                                                                                                                                          I will . . .
                                                                                                                                          •  make a suggestion.
                                                                                                                                          •  agree and disagree.
                                                                                                                                          •  counter.
           Can I borrow your bike?

                                                                                                                                         3     Listen and read. TR: 6.11
            I will . . .
            •  make an informal request.
            •  make an excuse.                                                                                                                 Lin:         I think we should interview a scientist for our project.
            •  show understanding / accept “no” for an answer.                                                                                 Cheng:     That’s a great idea.
                                                                                                                                               Mei:       Yeah, but we don’t have the time.
                                                                                                                                               Jiang:     Actually, that could work. My uncle is a scientist! I’ll text him!
          1    Listen and read. TR: 6.10

                                                                                                                                                 I think we             That’s a        Yeah, but            .   Actually, that could work.
               Lucia:        Hey, can I borrow your bike this                                                                                      should          .      great idea.   I don’t think that’ll    That might work.
                           weekend, Roberto?                                                                                                     I know what            Why not?          work.
               Roberto:   Um, I’m really sorry, but it’s new.                                                                                      we should do!        That could      I’m not so sure.
                           My dad won’t let me lend it.                                                                                          We should . . .          be good.                               In fact, I think        .
               Lucia:      That’s OK. I understand.                                                                                              Why don’t we . . . ?                                            We could also           .
               Lucia:        Marcelo, can you lend me your bike?                                                                                 What if we . . . ?
               Marcelo:   Sure. Go ahead. But give it back on

                           Sunday, OK?                                                                                                   4     Listen. You will hear two discussions. Does everyone agree at the end
               Lucia:        Thanks a lot.                                                                                                     of the discussion? Circle the answer. TR: 6.12

                                                                                                                                              1. Yes   No

                                                                                                                                              2. Yes   No
                 Can I borrow . . . ?       I’m really sorry.                  That’s OK. I understand.
                 Can you lend me . . . ?    I’m sorry, but . . .               No problem.                                               5     Discuss. Work in a group. Prepare and practice discussions. Choose one
                 Is it OK if I use . . . ?  I can’t. It isn’t mine.            Don’t worry.
                                                                                                                                               of the three situations given below.
                                            Sure. Go ahead.                    Thanks a lot.
                                            Sure. Here you are!                Thanks. I’ll give it back                                      1. Let’s interview a famous person!
                                            Yeah, you can borrow           .   later.                                                         2. Why don’t we do a report with a big map?
                                            Sure. I can lend you         .                                                                    3. I think we should paint a mural of volcanoes on the classroom wall.
                                            Of course.

          2    Discuss. Work with a partner. Use the chart. Take turns to lend and

               borrow objects.

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