Page 50 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 50

READING                                                                    4000 BCE           3500 BCE                           2     Choose the best answer.
                                                                                   Harps and          Lyres and
                                                                                  flute (Egypt)         double
          1    Listen and read. TR: 3.7                                                                clarinet                               1. A drum is a                 .
               It’s All Music                                                      3000 BCE                                                     a. string instrument      b. percussion instrument      c. wind instrument
                                                                                   pipe (China)       2000 BCE                                2. If you press a key on a wind instrument, the sound changes because                         .
                   People made music before they could write about it.                                (Denmark)
               One of the oldest instruments ever found is more than               1500 BCE           Percussion                                a. your finger is heavy
               42,000 years old. It’s a flute. Instruments like flutes are         Guitars and         (Egypt)                                  b. it holds the instrument tightly
               called wind instruments. The music comes from moving               tambourines
               air, usually when a person blows into the instrument.                                   500 BCE                                  c. the path of the air changes
               Each wind instrument has a shape that makes its sound                                    kithara
               different. Some have holes for fingers to cover. Others                                 (Greece)                               3. An empty space inside percussion instruments makes the sound                          .
               have buttons to press. Holes and buttons let you change               50 CE                                                      a. softer    b. faster    c. louder
               the way the air travels to change the notes.                          (Rome)

                   Another way to make music is with strings. When you pluck a string, it makes a                                             4. Some string instruments are played with a                     .
               note. String instruments have thick or thin strings and long or short strings to make                                            a. bow    b. hammer    c. key
               different notes. The shape of the stringed instrument also helps to make the sound. If
               the shape is bigger, the music sounds lower. Musicians often use a bow to play string                                     3     Match the instruments and their types. Work with a partner. Check
               instruments. The bow is a piece of wood with hairs or a string stretched between its
               ends. Musicians slide it over the strings to make sounds.                                                                       the correct column.
                   You can also make music by hitting or shaking something. Percussion instruments
               can be made from many things. That’s because most things make a sound when                                                                                 Wind            String        Percussion
               you hit them. The air inside the instrument makes the sound louder. A drum is a                                                    Drums

               percussion instrument, but instruments with strings can be percussion instruments,
               too. When you hit strings, you can make music. A piano is a percussion                                                             Flute
                                instrument. When you press the piano keys, hammers                                                                Guitar                                                                  Mozart
                                   inside the piano hit the strings to make music.                                                                                                                                        composed his
                                                                                                                                                  Piano                                                                   first song when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          he was five
                                                                                                                                                  Saxophone                                                               years old.


                                                                                                                                         4     Work in groups of three. Invent a unique band that mixes
                                                                                                                                               different musical instruments. What six instruments would

                                                                                                                                               you choose?

                                                                                      Uttar Pradesh State, India
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