Page 93 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 93


 Make a museum of the future.

                 I love this lantern. It’s made of silk and it has been in my
 1               family for a long time. We often hang it up outside our
 2   Find an object that is important to
 you that you think people in the   home in the evening. I love looking at it when it’s shining!
 future would find interesting.

 3.   Write about why it is important
 to you.
                                                                            Now I can . . .

   3    Put all the objects together in
 part of your classroom.                                                          talk about traditions and

   4  Invite people to come to your

 museum of the future.                                                            talk about different craft
                                                                                 and cultural activities.

                                                                                  understand changing

                                                                                 write a blog entry.

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