Page 97 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 97


                Stink Lily,                                          Venus flytrap,
 1  Listen and read. TR: 6.1  Panama                                 Southern Brazil

 2  Listen and repeat. TR: 6.2                                       a leaf

 Have you ever heard of a flower that
 smells like rotting meat to attract
 insects? Have you seen a plant close its
 leaves over an insect? Can plants really
 do these things? Let’s learn more about
 the behavior of plants.
                                                                                                     a stem

                The stink lily gets its name from its                 The Venus flytrap attracts insects with
 Pitcher plant
                smell. The flower stinks like rotting                 a sweet odor. When an insect lands
                meat. The smell attracts flies to the                 on an open leaf, the leaf closes and
                plant—and then tricks them! When a                    traps the insect. Then the plant slowly
                fly crawls on the flower, pollen sticks               digests the insect over a period of
                to the fly. Then the fly takes the                    eight to ten days.
                pollen and leaves it on the next plant
                it visits. That’s how the stink lily makes

                new plants.

 Plants need light, air, water, and                            3    Ask and answer. Work with a
 nutrients to live. Roots absorb the                                partner. What did you learn?

 nutrients that are in the ground and
 water. Tiny creatures called bacteria              How do plants
 turn these nutrients into food that                adapt to survive?                  Some plants trap insects.
 the plant can use. But some places
 don’t have a lot of these nutrients.
 So some plants adapt. They follow
 a different plan for survival. Their
 strategy is to eat insects to live!

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