Page 115 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 115

Let’s   Talk  I don’t understand.

                I will . . .
                •   politely interrupt.
                •   express confusion.
                •   check that someone understands.
 What’s wrong?  •   thank someone and reply.

 I will . . .  3    Listen and read. TR: 6.14
 •   ask how someone is feeling.
 •   describe how I feel.    Nikolai:   Let’s start the game.
 •   show that I care or understand.   Olga:  Hang on! I’m lost. How do we play?
 •   make a suggestion.
                    Nikolai:         First you have to spin the spinner.
                                   Then you move your counter. Got it?

 1  Listen and read. TR: 6.13  Olga:  Yeah, I think so. Thanks.
                    Nikolai:       No problem.
   Aziz:    What’s wrong?
 Sawsan:  I feel sick.
                Hang on!                    I’m lost.        Got it?          I think so.        No problem.
 Aziz:  Oh, no. What’s the problem?   Wait a moment, please.  I don’t   Does that     Thanks.    You’re welcome.
                                                                              Oh, I see!
                                                             make sense?
   Sawsan:   I have a stomachache.   Wait.                                 That’s OK.
                Wait a minute / second.     I don’t get it.  Does that          Thanks.          Sure!
 Aziz:  Why don’t you tell Mom?   Hold on.                   help?            Oh, I get it
   Sawsan:   Yeah, that’s a good idea. Mom!                  OK?              now. Thanks.

               4    Listen. You will hear two discussions. Read each question
 What’s wrong?  I feel sick.  Oh, no.  Why don’t you
 Hey, what’s up?  I don’t feel good.  I’m sorry.   ?  and circle the answer. TR: 6.15
 What’s the problem?  I’m not feeling well.  Oh, I’m really sorry.  You should   .
 What’s the matter?  I’m tired.  That’s too bad.  Maybe you should     1. Does the boy understand the instructions after the girl explains them?
 I’m hungry.   .       a. yes     b. no
 I’m mad at my brother.
                    2. Which expression does the boy use?
                       a. Do you see now?     b. Got it?     c. OK?

 2  Ask and answer with a partner. Describe how you feel.   5

 Use the chart. Take turns.  Practice discussions with a partner. Imagine you are playing one
                    of these games. One student doesn’t understand. The other explains.

                    1. Tic-tac-toe
                    2. Bingo

                    3. Rock, paper, scissors
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