Page 58 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 58


                                                                                                                                             2    Check T for True and F for False.
          1    Listen and read. TR: 3.10
                                                                                                                                                  1. Benandonner and Finn McCool fight every day.                                T    F

                GIANT’S Causeway                                 “Help!” he said. “Benandonner                                                    2. Benandonner makes the causeway from Scotland to Ireland.                    T    F
                                                               is coming!”

                  “Hey, you! I don’t like you.                   “Don’t worry,” said Oonagh. “Look!”                                              3. Oonagh makes a plan to help Finn.                                           T    F
                Come and fight me!”                              In the bedroom, there was an                                                     4. Benandonner thinks that Oonagh and Finn’s baby is cute.                     T    F

                  Finn McCool looked across the sea.           enormous baby’s bed.
                It was Benandonner.                              “Get in!” said Oonagh. She put a                                            3    Read. Discuss the questions. Work in a small group.

                  “No one fights me. I’m very strong,”         blanket over Finn and a baby’s hat on                                              1.  Why is Oonagh worried?
                Finn shouted back.                             his head.

                  The two giants were not friends.               BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, went the                                                       2. Who is braver, Finn or Oonagh? Why?
                Finn McCool lived in Ireland.                  door. Oonagh opened it.                                                            3. Why is Benandonner surprised?
                Benandonner lived across the water               “Where is your husband?”                                                         4. How do you think Oonagh feels when Benandonner runs away?
                in Scotland. Every day they argued.            Benandonner roared.

                  “I’m stronger than you,” said                  Oonagh smiled. “He’s not here.                                              4    Express yourself. Choose an activity.
                Benandonner. “I’m braver, too.”                Come in and wait.”

                  Finn McCool wanted to fight.                   Inside Benandonner looked for Finn.                                              1.  Which character in the story do you like best? Design a costume
                He had an idea. He picked up huge                                                                                                    for an actor playing that character. Draw, paint, or make a collage of
                rocks and threw them into the water.             “Come and see our baby son,”                                                        your costume design. Label your design.
                He made a path, or causeway, over              Oonagh said. “He’s so cute.”                                                       2.  Write a different ending for the story. In a group of three, act out the
                the water, and began to walk across.             Benandonner looked at the                                                           story with your ending.
                  Finn’s wife, Oonagh, saw him.                baby’s bed.
                She was worried.                                 “WAAH! WAAH!” cried the baby,                                                    3.  Draw the story as a comic strip. Use pictures and speech bubbles.

                  Soon Finn was worried, too.                  very loudly.
                Close up he saw that Benandonner                 Benandonner stopped in surprise.
                was much, much bigger than him.                Finn’s baby was enormous. So how

                  Finn didn’t want to fight now.               big was Finn? Scared, Benandonner
                He turned and ran home.                        ran out of the house and across
                                                               the causeway to Scotland, never
                  Finn ran into his house.                     to return.

                                                                            Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland

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