Page 74 - Our World 2E_AmE_L4_SB -
P. 74

WRITING                                                                                                                               MISSION

           Cause and Effect Writing  In cause and effect, you explain what happens and why.                                            Be prepared.
           You use words like because, that’s why, and that’s because to show cause and effect.

                                                                                                                                       Think. Pair. Share.
          1    Read. Circle the words and expressions that show cause and effect.                                                                                                                                   Anhui Province, China

                                                                                                                                       •  What are the main causes of

                 Ice Cream Headaches                                                                                                      illness and accidents?

                    Do you ever get a headache when you eat ice cream? Many                                                            •  How can we be prepared for

                 people do. Why? Scientists aren’t quite sure. But they                                                                   illness and accidents?

                 think it’s because your body doesn’t like getting cold. The                                                           •  Which people can help us?

                 ice cream touches the roof of your mouth. Help! It’s very

                 cold! Warm blood travels quickly to your head because
                 your brain must keep warm. This gives you a headache.

                    So that’s why you get ice cream headaches. But they

                 aren’t serious, and they don’t last long. They are easy
                 to prevent, too. Keep cold food and drink away from the
                 roof of your mouth. Put the ice cream in the front of

                 your mouth first. You should also eat or drink slowly, a

                 little bit at a time.

          2    Write. Choose one of the problems below. Write what happens
               and why. Use words and expressions to explain the reasons.

                     • Screen time before bed: Is it bad for you?
                     • Energy drinks: Are they bad for you?
                     • Giving up junk food: Why is it hard?

          3    Share. Share your writing in a small group. Listen and take notes.                                                                              “  My mission is to find simple, inexpensive ways to

                Name                  Topic                 Cause                    Effect                                                                      check on the health of people in distant places and

                 Aran           Screen time             Bright light             Less sleep                                                                       difficult conditions.    ”

                                                       from screen                                                                                                Dr. Hayat Sindi, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Sciences,

                                                                                                                                                                 National Geographic Explorer
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