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P. 153


                                    2a. Some weddings are very elaborate.

                                            ------Topic-----  ----- Controlling Idea -----
                                    2b. Some weddings are very simple.

                                            ------Topic-----  ----- Controlling Idea -----
                                    2c. Some weddings take place in unusual locations.

               PRACTICE 1      With  a  partner,  a  small  group,  or  the  whole  class,  talk  about  what
                               information the paragraph for each of the following topic sentences might
               Content  from
               the Controlling
                                 1.  Some weddings are very elaborate.
                                 2.  Some weddings are very simple.
                                 3.  Some weddings take place in unusual locations.

                               Position  of  the  Topic  Sentence  The  topic  sentence  is  usually  the  first
                               sentence in a paragraph. Experienced writers sometimes put topic sentences

                               at  the  end,  but  the  best  place  is  usually  right  at  the  beginning.  A  topic
                               sentence at the beginning of a paragraph gives readers an idea of what they
                               will read. This helps them understand the paragraph more easily.

                               Not Too General, Not Too Specific A topic sentence is neither too general
                  Too General
                               too specific.

                                      Marriage is an event in a person's life.
                  Too Specific
                               This is too general because there is no specific controlling idea. The reader
                               has  no  idea  what  the  paragraph  will  say  about  marriage  except  that  it
                                      The average age for people in the United States to marry in the year

                                      2000 was 25 for a woman and 27 for a man.
                               This  is  much  too  specific.  It  gives  details  that  should  come  later  in  the

                                      The average age for people in the United States to marry has changed
                                      in the past 100 years.

                               This  is  a  good  topic  sentence  because  it  gives  the  reader  a  hint  that  the
                               will discuss changes in the ages when people marry. A good topic sentence
                               something about the contents of the paragraph but none of the details.

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