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P. 171


                                These are the important points covered in this lesson:
                                   1.  A  paragraph  has  three  parts:  a  topic  sentence,  several  supporting
                                      sentences, and a concluding sentence.
                                        •  The  topic  sentence  is  the  most  important  sentence  in  a
                                            paragraph. It is usually the first sentence.

                                        •  A good topic sentence has both a topic and a controlling idea.
                                            The  controlling  idea  gives  the  reader  a  hint  about  what  the
                                            paragraph will say about the topic.
                                   2.  Supporting sentences explain the controlling idea in detail.
                                   3.  The concluding sentence repeats the main idea in different words or
                                      summarizes  the  main  supporting  points.  It  usually  begins  with  a
                                      conclusion signal.
                                   4.  Apostrophes are used in three ways:

                                        •  To form contractions
                                        •  To form possessives
                                        •  To make letters of the alphabet plural
                                   5.  A detailed outline is helpful for organizing ideas.

               Writing Assignment

                                Choose one of the topic sentences from Practice 2 on page 40 and write a
                                paragraph. Follow the steps in the writing process. You may use the topic
                                you have worked on in the Try It Out! exercise on page 43, or you may use a
                                different topic sentence.
                                Step 1 Prewrite to get ideas.

                                Step 2 Organize the ideas by making an outline.
                                Step 3 Write the rough draft. Write ROUGH DRAFT at the top of your paper.
                                        Focus on paragraph structure.
                                        •  Begin your paragraph with a clear topic sentence.
                                        •  Write  several  supporting  sentences.  Include  some  specific
                                        •  End with a good concluding sentence.
                                Step 4 Polish the rough draft.
                                        •  Exchange papers with a classmate and ask him or her to check
                                            your rough draft using Peer-Editing Worksheet 3 on page 202.
                                            Then  discuss  the  completed  worksheet  and  decide  what

                                            changes you should make. Write a second draft.
                                        •  Use Self-Editing Worksheet 3 on page 203 to check your second
                                            draft for grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

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