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P. 220
semester to make sure you have all the courses you need for graduation. Be
aware that some classes have prerequisites - classes you must pass before you
can register for them. (3) _________ is to talk with as many older students as
you can. Ask them which courses are good and which ones are not. Don't waste
your time and money on bad classes. (4) _____________ register each semester
as soon as you can. Waiting even an hour may mean that the classes you want or
need are filled. (5) _____________ plan ahead to avoid missing any required
classes, to avoid bad classes, and to graduate on time.
C. The Following sets of sentences are not in correct time order. Number the
sentence (1, 2, 3, and so on) in the correct order.
1. How to Make Ice Cream in a Bah
_______ Seal the gallon bag securely.
_______ Open the bags, grab a spoon, and enjoy your ice cream!
_______ Gently rock the gallon bag from side to side for ten to fifteen
minutes or until the contents of the quart bag have turned into
_______ ice cream.
Put /2 cup of heavy cream, /2 cup of milk, /2 cup of sugar, and
_______ teaspoon of vanilla into a quart-size sealable plastic bag.
_______ Close the quart-size bag and seal it tightly.
Put 2 cups of ice and /2 to /2 cup of salt into a gallon-size
_______ sealable
plastic bag.
_______ Surprise your friends on your next camping trip by making ice
in a plastic bag.
Place the sealed quart bag inside the gallon bag of ice and salt.
2. How to Find a Book In The Library
_______ Find the computers that contain the library's catalogs.
_______ Locate the books on the library shelves by their call numbers.
_______ Be prepared to show your library card at the checkout desk.
_______ In the age of computers, finding a book in a library has become
very easy.
_______ In the book catalog, type the topic you are seeking information in
the space labeled "Subject."
_______ There are two catalogs: one for books and one for periodicals
(magazines, newspapers, and so on).
_______ Write down the title and call number of each book that you
_______ Scroll through the entries for the books that are displayed
computer screen, and determine which ones seem the most
_______ Take the books to the checkout desk.