Page 18 - Dream of Italy - December 2021/January 2022
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droppings, discolored varnish and cobwebs, while the history and conservation lectures for members. The
original paint itself is buckling. A previous restoration lectures are given by art historians, specialists and experts
used paint that was darker in color than the original and provide a great introduction to Save Venice for new
paint, covering the bright color palette and small details. members. “Because they’re so passionate, they really
Two other artists spotlighted in the campaign make it fun to listen to,” says Wong Ettelson.
are Rosalba Carriera and Marianna Carlevarijs, whose Both sponsors and members receive invitations to
18th-century pastel portraits will also be preserved. This exclusive, high-profile events hosted by Save Venice.
work will focus on the frames, glass and mattes, including Pandemic conditions permitting, the annual black-tie
photographing the works and remounting them with acid- Masquerade Ball in New York takes place in April,
free materials to protect them for the future. bringing in more than $1 million in donations and spon-
Native Venetian Carriera began her career painting sorships as well as attracting new members and press
miniature scenes on the lids of snuff boxes and later coverage. Wong Ettelson explains that the ball is seen in
became one of the first artists to use pastels for portraits. A the fashion world as a “mini-Met,” referring to the Met
self-taught painter, she took commissions from European Gala hosted by Vogue’s Anna Wintour. (The ball was not
nobility, diplomats and Venetian court ladies for portraits. held during the pandemic but will return to New York
Carlevarijs, whose father was also an artist, studied under in April 2022. Ticket prices for past balls have started
Carriera and adopted a similar style to her mentor. at $1,500, of which all but $300 supports Save Venice
Save Venice’s anniversary campaign capitalizes on directly.)
18 growing interest in these women. In recent years, papers Another large event is the biannual gala held in Venice.
presented at the Renaissance Society of America confer- The four-day event includes visits to the restoration sites,
DE C 2021 / JA N 2022 for scholars to more heavily research women’s influence has hosted smaller MATTEO PRANDONI/BFA.COM
tours and lectures in museums. In the past, Save Venice
ence have focused on female artists, spurring momentum
in Renaissance art. Sponsors can adopt a painting by
events before the
one of these women or contribute to research that will
ball in conjunction
with sponsors such
create a database of women artists in Venice and their
as Dolce & Gabbana.
Drea m of Ita ly Save Venice Membership The gala is a more Adelina Wong Ettelson at the Masquerade Ball
intimate experience,
Though Save Venice welcomes sponsors, another way
with about 100 to
to support the organization is by becoming an annual
150 people, while
member and joining local chapters throughout the U.S.
the Masquerade
500. The members-only 50th anniversary gala will be held
swag like a tote bag and newsletter, access to live virtual
Memberships start at $100 per year, and members receive Ball hosts around
art lectures, invitations to weekend excursions in the U.S. in Venice in October 2022; the cost for past galas has been
and exclusive one-hour conservation tours by Conn and around $6,000, including a tax-deductible donation to Save
her colleagues to see restoration work up close (sponsors Venice starting at $2,250.
can also, of course, visit the pieces they’ve sponsored in “It’s not just one piece of art. It’s revelations through
person). having these private moments where it’s not the standard
The tour takes members behind the scenes to a Save tourist spiel, and you’re getting to have experts and people
Venice conservation site in Venice where they learn about who know exactly what they’re talking about in a very
conservation techniques. For example, in the Church nice, private setting,” says Wong Ettelson of attending
of San Sebastiano, members learn about Save Venice’s these private events.
campaign to restore Veronese’s paintings and frescoes Further, for those who are in Venice and want to
and visit the elevated monks’ loft that is not open to the contribute on a small scale, Save Venice organizes treasure
public. Sometimes there is a chance to interact directly hunts around the city that cost between $20 and $30. A
with a restorer, although this is not always possible. popular treasure hunt for children involves searching for
“It’s very much a hands-on individual tour. I tell you unique doorknobs, while others require participants to
about the conservation behind the scenes, and it’s a very listen to the sounds of Venice or visit many of the works
special experience,” says Conn. restored by Save Venice.
With the shift toward virtual events due to the Other 50th anniversary celebrations include 50 cele-
pandemic, Save Venice is organizing more online art brations around the world until March 2022, including