Page 354 - KM Inggris_BS_KLS_IX_Neat
P. 354
The Steps of Filtering News
Before you share some news, you should think about several
things. First,Then, ______________________________ After that,
______________________________ Also, ______________________________________
______________________ Next, ______________________________________________
______________ Then, _____________________________________________________
_______Finally, ___________________________________________________________
Worksheet 5.25
Section 4 - Writing
Unit 3. Turn back hoax!
Sometimes we need to talk about a process or a procedure to achieve a
certain goal. A procedural text contains the following elements.
Table 5.2 Elements of a procedural text
Procedural text
The goal of the activity An indication of what you are trying to do
or make
Materials A list of materials (or ingredients/
equipment etc.) needed to achieve the goal
Steps The sequence of steps that need
to be followed
In Section 2, we learn that a procedural text contains steps in
achieving one goal. For example: Steps to spot fake news. In the text,
the steps are mentioned using numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Alternatively, we
can use other sequencing indicators such as:
• First, second, third, fourth and so on.
• First, then, next, after that and so on.
To mention the last step, we can use inally or lastly.
330 English for Nusantara | untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX