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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                  Democratic Forum                                                         Helping Hands 2.0

         One of our most cherished American privileges is the right to free      who are ill, had surgery, been hospitalized, or experienced a death in the
         speech. That’s why censorship in any form is such a huge concern for us  family.  These cards are lovingly handmade by several of our residents.
         all. Roseville Parks, Rec and Libraries Manager Natasha Martin will be   PLEASE EMAIL  so we can send a card which
         our special guest speaker at our August 2nd meeting in the Wellness     will be so appreciated by the recipient.
         Room at The Retreat at 1:00PM. She’ll talk about what books you will
         see and, maybe more importantly, what books you will not see in the                                  Line Dancing
         Roseville Public Library. Do you have a topic you’d like to see Natasha   Line Dancing meets every Friday at 12:00 Noon in the Wellness Room.
         address or a question you’d like to ask her? Please email it to her at   This is a choreographed form of dance performed in one or more                                                lines. We dance to many different rhythms such as Latin, Swing, Polka,
         On September 6th at 1:00PM we’ll bring back our Brown Bag Lunch/        Waltz, Fox Trot, Country, etc.
         Open Forum where guests will have a chance to munch their lunch while  For information email
         discussing the political hot-button topics of the day.                  "Remember to enjoy where you are on the way to your destination."

                                  Digital World Club                                                           Mah Jongg
         The Digital World Club (DWC) is taking a summer break for August.       MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-4
         We’ll see you in September!                                             P.M. AT THE CLUB.
         The Digital World Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month       Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with
         (except for August and December) at 10 AM, typically in The Retreat     set hands with three to four people per table.  We play the American
         library room. Get on the DWC email list to receive information about our  version on the current 2023 card which is ordered from the National Mah
         monthly meetings and general information about the digital world we     Jongg League.
         live in! Contact Rick Koehler for help at 916-749-3022 or               Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting  and                                                  making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome.
         How to get on email list:                                               We can help you learn.
         1. Go to The Club website: Please contact Diana Bixby at or call 510 390-
         2. Click on your profile link (“Your Profile” in upper right)           2543.
         3. Click on “Update Profile”
         4. Scroll down until you reach “Special Interest Groups”                                            Orchid Group
         5. Scroll down until you reach “Digital World Club”                     If you missed our annual Re-Potting Class, you missed a good time.
         6. Put a check mark in front of “Digital World Club”                    Everyone had fun re-potting an orchid and taking a new orchid home
                                                                                 with them.  We learned how to re-pot to keep your orchids healthy and
                                    Hand and Foot                                some basics about mounting on driftwood or planting in baskets.  There’s
         Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm   no better way to learn than to get your hands dirty and do it yourself
         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who   especially under the watchful eyes of experienced orchid growers.  If you
         plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards  missed it, there’s always next year or attend the next Orchid Group and
         so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  Come join us and have some fun. If   ask for help.
         you would like to learn to play or have questions contact: Gloria Cordle- The Orchid Group will be meeting again on Friday, September 8, 2023,
         Borley 209-402-1933 or                              at 1:00 pm.  Dave Veach will be presenting “Orchids 102”.  If you
                                                                                 missed his presentation “Orchids 101” last January, not to worry, you
                                   Helping Hands 2.0                             can still attend Orchids 102 and follow along.  Orchids 101 is not a pre-
                                                                                 requisite to attend the September presentation.  David will be showing
         Wow, what a hot summer! Hope you all are keeping cool.                  some beautiful slides of orchids and taking you on a bit of a “deeper
         The Steering Committee took June and July off as there are no pressing   dive” into the care of orchids. As usual, there will be a raffle so you
         needs right now and will start again in August to plan our fall schedule,   might go home with a new orchid. We’ll also have the show and tell
         which will include our new Coffee and Chat format, the Chili and Hot    table so you can bring your blooming orchids in to share with the group.
         Dog Booth at the October Shared Interest Group Open House and our
         Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at the Craft Sale in December.                                             Pinochle
         As you know, the Fashion Show and Luncheon were a fabulous success.
         We made $4800 !!!  We will be sharing that money with local charities at  COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON
         the end of the year.  We thank all of you who participated and/or donated  AT THE CLUB
         to this wonderful event.                                                Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
         SAVE THE DATE:  Our 2024 Fashion Show and Luncheon will take            PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
         place on Wednesday,  April 24, 2024  at the Timbers Ballroom at 11am.  10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
         Cho Cho’s will be showing their exclusive fashions for the show.  We    will help you come back up to speed. Win or lose we are here to have a
         are very excited about it and will share the details after the first of the   good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan
         year!                                                                   Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
          We have been sending out lots of cards lately.  As many of you know,   8984.
         when notified, Helping Hands sends cards to those residents of The Club
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