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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                           Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group                                                  Water Volleyball
         The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have   The Water Volleyball SIG plays twice a week on Tuesdays and
         fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All  Thursdays at 11:30am. For this month’s Courier article, I asked the AI
         levels of players are welcome.                                          software ChatGPT to write a short piece on this sport, I hope you enjoy
         Days and Times: Friday 1:30 - 3:30pm / Saturday 2-4pm / Sunday 2-       it! Dan Ketchum
         4pm / Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30pm (if Wellness room is available).            In the summer's shimmering embrace, Where laughter dances with
         Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to  splashing grace, Beneath the sun's warm golden rays, Water volleyball,
         our email list.                                                         the game we play.
                                      Poker Club                                 With waves as our net, an aquatic stage, We volley and leap, each move
                                                                                 engaged, A game of teamwork, spirited and free, Where water's embrace
         Both men and women are welcome and encourage to play.                   sets our spirits free.
         We play different games, dealer choice, and we start at 6pm to 9pm on   In azure depths, our dreams take flight, As we leap and dive with all our
         Wednesdays. We do not play "Wild" games.                                might, A liquid arena where joy takes form, Water volleyball, a
         Any questions call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060                           passionate storm.
                                                                                 Ripples and laughter merge as one, With every splash, our spirits spun,
                                      Shutterbugs                                Through laughter and camaraderie's reign, Water volleyball, a delightful
         AUGUST 3RD SHUTTERBUGS MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT                             refrain.
         The Shutterbugs’ next meeting will be IN PERSON AT OUR USUAL            So let us gather by the water's edge, Where friends unite, spirits pledge,
         TIME OF 2PM. on Thursday, August 3rd. We will be sharing photos         In this watery world, we come alive, Water volleyball, where memories
         from our July theme of a “People” interpreted any way you wish. And     thrive.
         photos our field trip from the Sacramento Historic River Cruise. Bill                                Wii Bowling
         Bowen will review some famous photographers and their various styles.
         Every resident is welcome to join and share photos without having to be  The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each
         an official member.                                                     month.  We have a lively, fun competition to see which randomly chosen
         For those who would like to learn how to get off auto mode and learn    team can score the highest average after playing a set of 3 games to win
         how to use their DSLR-type cameras, we recommend visiting               the night's prize. Depending on how many players we have on any It’s free to join and get their emails.      particular game night, our evening of camaraderie lasts for 1.5 to 3 hours.
         They do have inexpensive subscription options that are not required.    If you have an interest in playing, please contact your hosts Barry &
         FUTURE FIELD TRIP THOUGHTS.                                             Diana Gray at for a copy of our game night
         Please send us your suggestions on field trips you might like us to     instructions including how to make a monthly reservation. To be ready
         consider.                                                               for future emails, you can subscribe to the Wii Bowling Group on your
         Preparing your photos to be shared at our meetings:                     profile page on the Retreat website. Every resident in our community is
         A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize the way we       welcome to join. The next game night is Tuesday, August 8th.  Dues of
         present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to share  $5 per person, per game night are collected the night of the event and
         to Terry and he will prepare them for showing at our meeting. You will   prizes of gift certificates to various local restaurants are awarded to the
         do the narration. Several members are not as comfortable sharing and    highest scoring team. Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for
         therefore this should make it easier for everyone.                      August, starting on Tuesday July 25th, at approximately 6 pm.
         PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS                          Reservations are required in order to play.  We hope to knock down some
         “ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not embed your photos in the body of the  pins with our neighbors and friends on August 8th. Won't you join us?
         email which makes it longer to download your files. Mac users will need
         to create a Zip file from their photos and email the Zip file to Terry.  If                  Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         you have a question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady.
         Club members are encouraged to become a member of our Facebook          The month of August’s theme is Lazy, Hazy, Days of Summer.  The
         Group at: This is a  featured winery is Element 79, with small plates provided by Gourmet
         great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try.  For questions,   Garage.  Please look for Sign Up Genius to reserve your spot.
         please contact Debbie Ferris or Terry Brady  Please note we collect CASH only and cannot provide refunds once the, or any of your steering committee members.           count has been given to the caterer.  Payment must be made prior to the
                                                                                 event and NO money will be collected at the door.  If you have any
                                    Spite & Malice                               questions, please contact Bonnie Pavri at
                                                                                 (707) 228-6255 or via email at
                         We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you     “Age is just a number, unless you happen to be a bottle of wine “
                         have questions about our group or wish to learn to play               Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
                         please contact Jerye at 916-773-6266.
                                                                                 The Ye Olde Westpark Players are ramping up for our 2023 Fall
                                                                                 Production.  New members are always welcome.  If acting isn’t exactly
                                                                                 your cup of tea, we can always use backstage help.  You’ll have a great
                                                                                 time and remember, no experience necessary!If you want to know more
                                                                                 about the group, please contact Director, Rita DeMatteis, 916-786-0234.
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