Page 25 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
P. 25
Neighbor to Neighbor
Fireplace Information Announcer Wanted
A homeowner experienced their Have a background in sports or
fireplace breaking and wanted to entertainment announcing, voice
share the company they hired to overs or radio? The West Park
fix it. Varsity Boys Basketball team is
California Mantel & Fireplaces looking for an announcer for its
916-925-5775 home games to announce the
National anthem, starting
House Sharing lineups and provide public
Single widow looking for same service announcements
to share a house in The Club at throughout the games. Serve
WestPark with private room and your community while watching
bathroom. Interested parties our young athletes play in our
please contact me by text at gorgeous new Panther Arena. If
(916) 751-6637 you’re interested, please email
boysbasketball@westparkbooste to arrange for a quick
interview and/or audition.
“Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints
submitted by our residents
who have concerns or would like to share information.
Have something to share?
December 2021 Page 25