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Why you should write Buy a book or subscribe to a service with prompts to guide you.
Here are a few:
1. The Book of Myself: This workbook has questions that guide you
your life story through different periods of your life and encourage reminiscence and
storytelling. Sample questions: This is how people described me as a
child and how I saw myself; I would describe each of my brothers, sis-
ters, and cousins this way; if I had any trouble with my mother grow-
“My life is boring; no one would want to read about it” is the reason
most people give when asked why they don’t write their life story. The ing up, it was in this area. The workbook has space for you to hand-
write answers. It got great reviews on Amazon. One said, “Filling in
other is, “I’m not a writer. I have no idea how to write a memoir.”
the blanks has proven to be an almost therapeutic experience.”
2. How to Write Your Own Life Story: This book is about the writing
There’s a lot of confusion about a memoir versus a life story. You don’t process itself, and it is helpful because the author gives a lot of exam-
have to write a memoir to tell your life story. A memoir is the story of ples from ordinary people who wrote movingly about their lives. She
one part of your life that is worth telling on its own, such as Elizabeth gives you assignments to write about different aspects of your life but
Gilbert’s trip to heal after divorce described in Eat, Pray, Love.
also describes what constitutes a good story.
3. Storyworth: This is a paid service that sends a question every week for
A life story or personal history is whatever you want it to be. It’s for you to answer. At the end of the process, you get a bound book for
your family and friends. It’s also for you. Writing about your past is $89. Extra books are $39. Reviews for the service vary. Some custom-
therapeutic. It will bring back long-forgotten memories and may even ers were very happy, while others criticized their customer service. I
change the way you look at what happened in the past.
like their prompts, such as: What's something you really disagreed
with your parents about? What was your worst boss like? How did you
More recently—since self-publishing became relatively easy and inex- deal with them? What do you like least about your siblings? What is
pensive—ordinary people have been writing and self-publishing person- one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you? What makes
al histories. Your story doesn’t have to be sold in bookstores. It is inher- you sad?
ently valuable to your descendants. Don’t worry about boring your Thinking About Memoir: This delightful book by bestselling memoir
grandchildren. Almost any detail from the life of someone born in the
first half of the 20th century is fascinating to a generation that has no writer Abigail Thomas has some really original prompts. She directs
idea how life was lived without computers or cell phones or even televi- you to write two pages about each. Examples: The moment you knew
sion. Plus, consider that your personal and family history and back- something was over; what you wish you could still do; two pages that
ground will be lost forever unless you write them down. end with “you can’t get away from it.” These exercises may not direct-
ly relate to your life story, but you can just answer the ones that do.
(Copies are used since the book is out of print, unfortunately.)
Admittedly, unless you’re a writer, it is very daunting to take on an en-
tire book. But there are ways to approach writing your life story that 5.Create a book when you’re finished writing. You can do it yourself.
don’t involve going back to school for a degree in creative writing or You don’t have to hire an expensive company. There are many free
parting with five figures for a ghostwriter. But all of them do involve publishing services you can use, but unless you’re a pro you will need
dedication and willingness to put in time and effort. someone who knows how it works and can do the editing, layout, for-
matting, uploading, etc. Look on,, or Up- for freelancers who can help.
How to take the fear out of writing your life story:
1. Write in small chunks about specific times or aspects of your life, in
any order. Don’t worry about when it happened. You can put it to- Other options:
gether later. 1. Hire a ghostwriter if you can afford it. (Full disclosure: I write peo-
2. Don’t feel constrained by propriety. Write from the heart. ple’s life stories at is a database with some other great ghosts
3. Don’t worry about style or grammar. Write as if you were sharing
your life with a best friend. Beginning writers often get so hung up with specific experience in personal history. Prices usually range from
about proper word usage that they never get past the first page. $10,000 and up depending on length.
4. Write the way you talk. Your book should be in your voice, not some 2. Hire a coach. has a directory where you can
idealized version of you. find one. You’ll pay an hourly rate for a coach, and there won’t be a
5. Be honest. Write about what actually happened, or how you really big commitment.
felt, not what you wish had happened. Your life story is an oppor- Take a workshop in memoir or personal history writing. It’s often
tunity for reflection about the past. much easier to complete any kind of writing project in a group. Check
6. Be specific. Details are everything. If you’re writing about your with your local university or senior center for classes.
childhood home, for instance, don’t just say the furniture was com-
fortable. Describe the color and condition of your favorite chair or Kaiser Permanente
how it felt to stretch out on the couch. Current as of: January 31, 2023
Author: Erica Manfred
7. Don’t just recite events. Look within. This is the mistake most ama- Meet our writer, Erica Manfred: I’m Erica Manfred, Geezer Geek, Snarky Sen-
teur writers make and why celebrities hire ghostwriters who ask ior, and author of I’m Old so Why Aren’t I Wise? I moved to Florida alone sev-
probing questions. Write about how you felt, what you thought, how en years ago and haven’t regretted it. I’ve always written about my life, and
you changed, and what kind of relationships you had. now that I’m old, aging and ageism are what I care about most. Each week, I’ll
8. Use a recorder if you can’t face writing. Get the recording tran- be exploring how to age with attitude. Follow along for tips, tricks, and inter-
scribed and then edit what you wrote. It’s relatively inexpensive. views with inspiring seniors.
March 2025 Page 23