Page 31 - 2021-11 Courier
P. 31

The Retreat


             Calling all mystery/thriller lovers. The Retreat Li-
             brary has many of your favorite authors. Stop by
             and check out the numerous titles by some of your
             favorites or try someone new.

             Janet Evanovich is a New York Times bestselling
             author. She has won several major crime fiction
             awards. A one stop shop for Romantic Suspense,
             Mystery, and Romance.                                                                           Neighborhood Notary*

             C. J. Box is also a New York Times bestselling author with his Joe Pickett series. Box is                  Leyhun Tan
             a traditional mystery writer. Several of his titles are head for film and television.                   Call (310) 753-8761
                                                                                                              Resident of The Club at WestPark
             We lost a great author this year in Clive Cussler. Explore land, sea, or air through Cussler's     Available at your convenience
             writing. Pick up one of his many favorites on the shelf at the Retreat Library.                          including weekends
                                                                                                               Notary Commission #2314234
             According to FantasticFiction these three authors are in the top 20 most often read. The Re-         CA Real Estate Broker Lic.
             treat Library volunteers look forward to seeing some of these popular titles off of the                     #01250667
             shelves and in your hands this month.

             Thank you so much, if you should have any questions, please reach out.
             Resident, Sara Schlehofer

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