Page 10 - 2023-05
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents) Club Trekkers, continued
Memorial Day, May 29th, honors the men and women who made the 5/13 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we have in this Country. The 5/16 Tuesday - Stagecoach/No Hands Bridge, at the Confluence, 4.8
best way to ensure that their lives were not lost in vain is to keep miles, moderate
America Great by honoring our Constitution, participating in our 5/20 Saturday - Olmstead Loop, 5.3 miles, moderate
political process and by respecting & proudly flying our flag. 2024 will 5/27 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
be an active election year. Staying informed on the candidates and issues 6/3 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
will be very important. Listed are some upcoming events that may
interest you: Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
• May 4th – Conservatives, Republicans, & Independents (CRI) Meeting
in the Wellness Room at the Retreat. Meeting starts at 6:30. Speaker We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
TBD. have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
• May 10th – Placer County Republican Central Committee (PCRCC) Club Veterans
Meeting at the Acton Academy on Vernon & Oak Street. Meeting starts
at 7 PM. Armed Forces Indoor BBQ “Picnic”
• June 1st - Conservatives, Republicans, & Independents (CRI) Meeting “THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL IN THE CLUB COMMUNITY”
in the Wellness Room at the Retreat. Meeting starts at 6:30. Speaker Saturday, June 3 Seating at 5:30PM / Dinner at 6:00PM at The CLUB
TBD. Yes, the menu has been set and forces are coming together to release our
• June 14th - Placer County Republican Central Committee (PCRCC) first indoor BBQ Annual Vets Picnic. The vets will begin the process
Meeting at the Acton Academy on Vernon & Oak Street. Meeting starts days before the you sit down to a succulent slow smoked
at 7 PM. Tri-Tip beef. The process is a well-tested secret amongst the team led by
• June 17th – CRI will be hosting the “Placer Patriots Summer Richard Small. This band of brothers and sisters are dedicated to serving
Fundraiser” in the Café at the Retreat. $50/person. Wine tasting, you the best BBQ fare you have ever had. I must add, the Vets group has
Charcuterie, guest speakers, raffle. You can help with donated items for never had a year when the Vet’s BBQ has not sold out!
raffle prizes. Monetary donations are welcome. We’ll use the money to The cost is $35.00 per person, no tickets; when you pay you reserve your
purchase and fill gift baskets or other items for the raffle and to cover up- seats. Pay by check payable to The Club Veterans. Representatives will
front costs. If you own a business that could profit from some exposure/ man a table at The Club to take your money for your BBQ reservations
advertisement at an event such as this, consider donating. If you don’t from 10:00AM to 12:00 noon on these dates: April 28 - 29 , May 5 - 6 th
own a business, we are asking you to seek donations from individuals and the last day May12th.
and local businesses that you patronize. If you have a special skill such No reservations will be available at the door. No pre-paid reservation, No
as painting, quilting, woodworking, we would love you to donate some seat! Seats will go fast so do not put off making your reservations.
of your work. Contact Randy at for more BYOB!
information about a donation. All proceeds go to helping Veteran’s in need here in Placer County and
You can log onto our group page at in the Roseville area. Thank you again for supporting our efforts each
for more information about our group or to join contact Alice at year. .
Club Crafters
Cornhole is a game where teams of 2 players
Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join take turns throwing bean bags at a raised,
us. We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in The Library. Dig out those angled board with a hole in the far end.
unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I The goal is to land bean bags in the hole or on
guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. If you would like more top of the board. Teams are established each
information about our group, please contact Dona Smith at (916) 771- time from a lottery draw.
8039 or email Our intent is to play outside but if the weather
Club Trekkers is bad we will play in the Wellness
Room. Cornhole plays on the first and third weeks of each month. In
The Club Trekkers conduct hikes on the first and third Tuesdays of each May we will play on Mondays, May 1st and 15th. And then on
month and the Saturdays immediately following those Tuesdays. On the Wednesdays May 3rd and 17th. Monday play is at 1:00 pm and
other Saturdays of the month we conduct neighborhood walks. Two Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
days before each hike or walk we send out an email with details A sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled
regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers. Below play. We’ve had great turnout so in order to give everyone a chance to
are the hikes and walks we have planned, though they might be changed play, we ask that initially you only sign up for your first choice. Then
depending on weather. place your name on the wait list for the other day. If there is room for
5/2 Tuesday - Lake Clementine, out and back, at the Confluence, 4.9 additional players, we’ll notify those players from the waitlist.
miles, moderate All levels of players are welcome – we’ll teach you the fundamentals if
5/6 Saturday - Cronan Ranch, 5.5 mile loop, moderate you haven’t played before.
May 2023 Page 10