Page 18 - 2023-05
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Each month we will let you know what the committee has been doing and answer questions concerning our governing
One of the Committee’s charter tasks is to improve the searchability of our governing documents. We are working to have
all of our governing documents appear in Governing Documents in the Doc & Forms area of the Club website. We are
working to make sure that each of our governing documents is easily searchable. We will be working to improve the
searchability of each document by developing hyperlinks in the table of contents that will take you directly to that section of the document. This
will lead to faster searches with less scrolling.
In February, we sent a survey monkey questionnaire to the HOA members. We wish to thank all of the members that responded. We have posted
the results on the HOA website in the Docs& Forms/Committees/Governing Docs Committee. Briefly the results of the survey are:
1. Preference for receiving information on the HOA governing documents.
The responses were: 56% E-Mail; 30% USPS Mail, 6% pickup at The Retreat
2. How do you currently search for answers to homeowner’s questions?
The responses were: 41% searching the HOA website; 27% in-Person visit to The Retreat; 15% via E-Mail 14% No preference (Default is
HOA Member Website)
3. Preferred method to search for Homeowner Question on the HOA website?
The responses were: 46% HOA Member website search; 20% In-Person at The Retreat; 23% by E-Mail; 10% No preference (Default is HOA
Member Website)
4. Would you like to see a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in the Courier dedicated to our Bylaws, CC&Rs, PRGs?
The responses were: 87% Yes; 3% No and 10% Don’t care.
It appears the many of the respondents are comfortable with searching our HOA website or using email to get answers to their questions
FAQ Corner ~ A common concern is trash cans. This is addressed in our CC&Rs and the PRGs.
CC&R Section 4.7 Containers and Collections. No garbage or trash shall be placed or kept on any Lot so as to be visible from neighboring
property, unless the containers are being made available for collection and then only for the day of collection. Further regulations on trash
containers may be found in the Rules as they may be amended from time to time.
PRGs Section 6.3 Trash Containers. As stated in the CC&Rs Section 4.7, no garbage or trash shall be placed or kept on any Lot so as to be visible
from neighboring property, unless the containers are being made available for collection. Trash can/recycle containers (placed out on the street
after 4pm and left out no more than 12 hours after scheduled trash pickup time).
Please submit your questions to The Governing Documents Ad Hoc Committee via
Featured Resident -
Each month we feature a resident in the community and
. share with you their passion. They might write the article
themselves or they ask for assistance from the Community
Connections Committee who will gladly conduct an inter-
Also known as Shannon’s Page. Look to this menu to see what amenities meetup at the Retreat, you can get an idea of how busy it is. You should
view. See page 36 as we get to learn about Dick Tipton
and activities are available to you here at The Retreat. It also has good always let Shannon know if you are planning to have a group meeting at
this month. Next month we will enjoy spectacular pictures
information about how to get involved in the community. the Retreat.
of Pamela Stephens backyard and how she found her love
for gardening. We want to learn about you! Please contact
Upcoming Events Photo Galleries
me to be a Featured Resident.
The first item in the dropdown is Upcoming Events. This is a quick look What happens at events? Get a good idea of what happens at an event by
at what’s coming up. You can see if an event requires you to RSVP or to looking at the Photo Gallery. Who knows, you may even find a photo of
pay in advance. It can not help you remember if you did RSVP or pay, you there. Note: our website is only accessible by residents.
however, so be sure to save your receipts or make note on your personal
calendar. If you are retired and live here, you do not have to sit at home How to Get Involved
alone. Shannon does a terrific job of providing opportunities to stay ac- This is a very important item. Sometimes it can be hard to know how
tive and to have fun. to join or get involved in a community. This page can give you some
idea. It has links to how to signup for events. It also has suggestions
Amenities for activities around our community in Roseville. Do you ever think
This is a good menu to look at to find the library policy about borrowing of an idea for an event or activity and don’t know how to initiate it?
and donating books, swimming pool hours, bocce court rules and how to You can submit those suggestions to Shannon at a link on this page.
get 24 hour access to our state of the art fitness center.
Community Connections Committee Members Happy to Help
Calendar Debbie Ferris 916-616-6779
The calendar view provides the times for all events at the Retreat, in- Rebecca Jenkins 661-312-1012
cluding Special Interest Groups. If you want to have an impromptu Barbara Allen 818-270-8837
May 2023 Page 18